- Taser E.C.D. (2 Hours): $59
- OC Pepper Spray (2 Hours): $59
- Taser Permit + Taser Pulse: $419
- OC Certification + OC Pepper Spray: $89
Notes Updates: Please contact us for more details as our Training Availability has been updated.
You’re not allowed to possess and carry stun guns in California if:
* You’re a convicted felon
* You’re a minor under the age of 18.
* You’ve been convicted for misusing tasers.
* You’re addicted to any narcotic drug.
Notwithstanding any other law provisions, anyone may purchase, own, or use this chemical gas weapon for the prediction or release of this gas if this weapon is used solely for self-defense purposes. These are the basic requirements for anyone who wants to carry this gas weapon:
* It is LEGAL to purchase, possess, carry and ship to California
* Its canister must be less than 2.5 ounces
* The user must be at least 18 years old
* The user must not be addicted to narcotic substances
* The user must not have any convicted felony on record
* The weapon must be used only for self-defense

BSIS Guard Card Course
- 8 Hour Basic Guard Card Training: $69
- 32 Hour Continuing Education: $69
- 40 Hour Guard Card Package: $89
Notes Updates: Please contact us for more details as our Training Availability has been updated
Note: The cost of the class does NOT include the BSIS application fee or live scan fee for the DOJ/FBI Criminal Background Check.
This course includes the 8 hour Guard Card Course (Powers to Arrest and Weapons of Mass Destruction) and all 32 hours of training that new security guards are required to complete in their first six months of work. Note: Many employers will not hire you until you have completed all 40 hours of training.

Executive Protection 2-Day Intensive Training
- Executive Protection Fundamentals
- Advancing Routes and Locations
- Firearms Marksmanship Virtual Range
- Tactical Self Defense
- Tactical First Aid Training
- Real-life Scenarios
Notes Updates: Please contact us for more details as our Training Availability has been updated
Included in your purchase: BSIS Guard Card Certification, Tactical First Aid Kit, Bleeding Control (B-con) Certification

Cyber Security Course
Cyber Defense for Home and Mobile course topics include:
-Best Practices for Securing your Home Network
-Steps to secure your web browser
-Hardware MFA keys
-Limiting Location Data Exposure
-Keeping safe on Social Media
-Identity Theft Threats and Mitigations
-VPN options and configurations
Notes Updates: Please contact us for more details as our Training Availability has been updated
Want additional Training ?
Please visit our training division site: https://www.drakentraining.com